Index  >  Vendor  >  Printing Machinery  >  Data Coder Series  >  PACKINGNET CO., LTD.


10236 +886-4-23729456 +886-4-23754256 No. 13, Wuquan W. 1st St., West Dist., Taichung City 403025, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Vacuum Packaging Machine, Sealing machine, Hot stamp machine, Barcode printing machine

PACKINGNET CO., LTD. was founded in 1989. Focused on packaging industry over 30 year in Taiwan. Our professional service team and diversified products can provide the best solution to customer. 

Our products are widely that include packaging machines and plastic film such as Vacuum Packaging Machine, Sealing machine, Hot stamp machine, Barcode printing machine, Flexible lamination packaging materials, Lamination printing bag, Coiled sample of rubber film, customized lamination bag, and AL foil pouches. These products are applicated in industries such as the electronics industry, the food industry, the chemical industry and medical industry. Please refer below our instructions.